Will We Be Able to Eat in Our Resurrection Bodies?
Manfred E. Kober, Th.D.

The question concerning food in our future is a good one. The topic is significant for three reasons. First, one can scarcely find any reference to the topic in prophetic literature. Second, biblical revelation affords a clear and positive answer. Finally, an understanding of the actual situation will heighten the believer's anticipation of this future felicity.

1. The Example of Christ.

Repeated New Testament passages refer to Christ's ability to eat in His resurrection body. For example, after blessing the evening meal at Emmaus on resurrection Sunday (Luke 24:30), He appeared to His disciples in a locked room (John. 20:19). He tried to convince the terrified disciples that He was not an apparition “for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have” (Luke 24:39). Then He gave the unconvinced disciples one additional proof of the physical nature of His resurrection body. He asked them for food and, to their amazement, He ate what they had, namely fish and honeycomb (Luke 24:42-43). One may assume that if the disciples had had Campbell's soup or cornflakes, He would have eaten those.

Sometime later, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He prepared and enjoyed breakfast with His disciples (John 21:12-13). In fact, Peter mentions that he and the other disciples “did eat and drink with him after he arose from the dead” (Acts 10:41). After His resurrection, Christ taught His disciples for at least forty days but also enjoyed times of blessed fellowship, which included eating and drinking. Apparently the life principle of the resurrection body is no longer blood but the Holy Spirit, thus food is no longer necessary for sustenance and yet a glorious possibility.

2. The Equivalence of the Believer's Resurrection Body with Christ's.

What Christ could do in His resurrection body the believer will also be able to do in his glorified state, such as appear and disappear at will, penetrate solids, eat and drink. John mentions that when Christ “will appear we shall be like him” - not unlike Him (1 John 3:2). Similarly, the Apostle Paul assures us that Christ will fashion our frail bodies “like unto his glorious body” (Phil. 3:21).

3. The Expectation for the Millennium.

Further confirmation for our ability to eat and drink in the future is found in Christ's direct promise at the institution of the Lord's Supper, that He would no longer drink this cup with His disciples “until we drink it again in the kingdom” (Mt. 26:29, cf. Mark 14:24). He assured the eleven that He would “eat and drink with them in the kingdom” (Luke 22:30).

Then too, the Bride of Christ eagerly anticipates the marriage supper (Rev. 19:9), occurring either in heaven prior to the second advent or on earth at the commencement of the millennial kingdom. Undoubtedly the meal will include food and beverages.

The prophet Ezekiel describes a marvelous millennial river issuing from Jerusalem and healing the desert and Dead Sea (Ez. 47). The Dead Sea will be teeming with an abundance of fish (Ez. 47:9-10). Along the banks of the river will grow a miraculous tree, producing a different fruit each month (Ez. 47:12). The believer may anticipate even now the future enjoyment of the fish from the sea and the fruit from the tree. Perhaps these viands will be on the menu of the millennial meals our Savior promised to host (Luke 13:29). But what of eating and drinking in the eternal state?

4. The Experience in the New Jerusalem.

John describes our eternal home as a city of extraordinary dimensions and exquisite delight (Rev. 21:1-22:5). Interestingly enough, the city boasts a river of life issuing from under the throne of God, watering the tree of life which, like its millennial counterpart, bears twelve different fruits.

It seems reasonable to conclude that the saints' eternal and glorious fellowship with the Savior and the angels will involve the enjoyment of the fruit from the tree of life and water from the river of life.

Finally, it must be stressed that this glorious future is ours as part of our salvation. By asking Jesus to be our Savior, we receive with Him “freely all these things” (Rom. 8:22). Have you asked Jesus to be your personal Savior? If so, you too may anticipate this glorious future.

© Manfred E Kober
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