What Do We Mean by the Imminency of the Rapture? |
Manfred E. Kober, Th.D. |
The Definition of Imminency: The dictionary defines imminent as “ready to take place,” “hanging threateningly over one’s head,” “impending” (Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, 1963). Because of the negative denotation of the term, some of us prefer to refer to the Rapture, which is a joyous event, as being at any moment. The Description of the Imminent Return of Christ: Christ’s return for His church can happen at any moment. It will be sudden and unannounced. Other events may happen before the Rapture, but nothing else must take place. Renald Showers suggests three features that are true of an imminent event:
The coming of Christ was just as imminent in the days of the Apostles as it is today. Obviously, in God’s eternal counsel the date of the rapture has been determined. Today we are one day closer to that glorious event than we were yesterday. The Defense of the Imminent Return of Christ: Even those who do not subscribe to the pretribulational rapture, agree that the New Testament teaches the vivid expectation of Christ’s imminent coming. Numerous passages could be cited; two must suffice.
© Manfred E Kober |
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